Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Working 9 to 5

Or more like 7:30 to 5:30 ...

Yes, I'm officially back to work. A working mom. I've been back two weeks now and it's really not that bad, to be quite honest. I had one hiccup the other day while running errands during my lunch hour at the mall - there were TONS of moms pushing their kids around in strollers and my heart clutched a bit in my chest. I should be at the mall with my kids instead of heading back to work! But then I realized I have twins and going anywhere by myself is just crazy talk!

The majority of days, I kiss my boys good-bye and skip away. I'm HAPPY to be at work! I've gotten a lot of "Oh, how are you holding up?" with pitying faces. Um ... fine. Really. I'm fine. And then I feel guilty because I'm not crying over my iPhone pictures in my cube the whole day.

What I think makes a difference is that I'm working four ten hour days so that I have Friday off to be the boys. I LOVE IT. I so look forward to Fridays and it makes the long work days oh-so worth it. Plus, I really like our daycare. I feel comfortable leaving them there and with the people that are taking care of them. So with my mind at ease - I'm able to enjoy work. I like to think that I'll be a better mommy because of it. Once the boys start moving around and the weather gets really nice - I may have some trouble. But so far so good!

My boys are growing, growing, growing! Here they are at eight weeks:

Logan (left) and Cooper (right)
Now they are almost FOUR MONTHS OLD! I can't believe how time has just flown by ... I'll blink and they'll be in college. Slow down, my little tigers! Their personalities are starting to show. Cooper is Mr. Smiley Pants. This kid will be screaming his head off and will give you a smile while he does it; which helps ease the pain in my eardrums.

Logan is Mr. Stoic. He's definitely his father's son. Logan likes to observe and look around. The only thing this kid has of me is that he loves TV. I sit him up next to me and together we zone out to the tube. Parental Bonding.

Lord, my kids are cute.

I have to give some props to Husband. I know I toot his horn quite a bit but really, folks. He so deserves it. Take this past weekend - the boys brought home a nasty cold from daycare early in the week. I got hit with it worse than the rest of the family on Friday and it got worse as the weekend went on. Not only did Husband come home early from work, he took care of the boys by himself the WHOLE WEEKEND. If you are a parent to twins, you understand that twin parenting takes two. It can be very overwhelming if you are by yourself for an extended period of time. Our boys feed different, sleep different, etc. It's a challenge to console two screaming babies by yourself...

BUT - he did it and let me lay in bed. He washed bottles, did laundry, made dinner, and kept watch over our babies while I put my feverish, snot filled head to bed. And on Sunday night when Logan woke up screaming - Husband shooed me back to bed and took care of it. I have oh-so many blessings in my life ... my husband is my number one blessing.

Logan and Husband a few weeks ago. Mr. Logan woke us up early. If you look closely - the alarm clock says 4:25 a.m. That's early.
In a nutshell - I'm getting a hang of this mom thing. I love it. I love my boys and the joy they bring to us. Oh-so much joy. Yes, I'm tired. Yes, I (still) hate pumping. Yes, I miss my pre-pregnancy body. But I have two healthy boys. A loving husband. A flexible job. Life is good.
Just put me on a beach with sun, sand, ocean, and a pina colada and life will be damn near perfect. :)


1 comment:

  1. Hi Mara! I have a question about your blog! My name is Heather and my email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
