Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Go Shorty, it's your berf-day ...

(Title credit to 50 cent).

Yes, today is my birthday. I am 31. THIRTY FREAKIN' ONE. I don't exactly feel 31. When I look in the mirror I don't necessarily see 31. I'm starting to see a line here and a line there. And I still get breakouts. So how can you feel old when you still get pimples? (Riddle me that, Batman). And while we are on riddles - how awful have birthday cards become these days?! It seems your only choices are poo/pee/fart jokes or you-are-incredibly-old jokes. Where's the creativity?!

But I digress.

I tend to get a wee bit down when my birthday roles around. I start to think about where I wanted to be at this age and where I actually am ... depressing city. Who wants to read or hear about that?! So THIS TIME I'm going to see the positives.
Each anniversary Husband and I like to share what we have learned from each other or how our marriage has grown and I shall do the same here. (And with a numbered list that I love so!) Now that I turn the wise old age of 31 - what have I learned?

1. I've got damn good genes
That's right. DNA. I'm blessed with some amazing DNA. See this woman?

That amazing woman (with my two adorable nieces) is my mother. And she is 63. SIXTY THREE. She takes biking trips in France. And does step aerobics with abandon. She pounds two glasses of wine and gets blitzed. She's NEVER had to color her hair. Her skin is gorgeous and smooth. She comes from another amazing woman who at 82 years old was hiking in Vail and traveling around the world. Yes, I've got damn good genes.

2. I'm so much wiser.
Not completely wiser - but a bit more so than before. I'm not the same person I was at 18 or 21 or even 28. I'm more grounded. I know more of what is important like sunscreen. Don't even get me started on sunscreen! I see these young whipper snappers fake tanning or slathering on the tanning lotion and I just shudder. You may look all good now, dear one - but in 15 to 20 years or so, your skin will look awful. Refer to amazing woman above who is the Sunscreen Queen.

3. I'm getting better at holding my tongue.
In my younger years, I was vocal about how I felt, my opinions, what was right, wrong, unfair. You name it. As I got closer to 30 - I started to actively pray to be meek. To watch the words that would come out of my mouth. To put on a thicker filter (between the brain and the mouth). I'd like to think I've somewhat succeeded. I know I turned off countless people and possible friendships by my spouting mouth. It's still a work in progress. I'm naturally an out-spoken person. But I'm learning to choose my words and my "stage" if you will.

4. I've found my career niche.
It took me awhile - but I've found it. I'm with a great company that I appreciate and vice versa. I'm making a difference and adding value. That makes me feel good. I look back at my past job experiences - where I should have stayed longer or where I could have done more. And I'm happy where I am. Not everyday is sunshine and lollipops - but ... I'm extremely blessed to have this job and actually enjoy what I do.

5. Perseverence
If you read my previous post - you will know of our struggle with infertility. At this point last year, I was wondering what the hell was wrong with me that I couldn't get pregnant. This year - I know what is wrong and we are making headway. I've been discouraged, angry, sad, bitter ... but I do believe that God has shown both Husband and I perseverence. And the ability to lift each other up and lean on one another. Which leads me to #6

6. My marriage is stronger
Marriage is a journey. A wonderful, rocky, loving, roller coaster journey. Everyone's experience is different - ours hasn't been the easiest. But, man, is it strong. And through our TTC journey - we've become closer, more compassionate, more understanding of each other. And as we get older, we continue to learn more about each other. We're always learning, always adapting, and always loving. Now I shouldn't say "always." I'm not being realistic. We fight, people. And we disagree at times BUT underneath all that we have a solid, strong foundation of love, trust, and respect. I've got a pretty darn good Husband. And he's hot.

As Tyler Perry would say: Hellllll-errrrrrrr! (what?! no one watches South Park?)

7. I'm blessed

So I have a few more winkles peeking out. So what. Or that it is getting harder to lose weight than it once was. {shrugs shoulders} So what that two glasses of wine give me a splitting headache the next day and the thought of taking shots at a bar make me roll my eyes. I'm blessed. I'm healthy. I have two feet; two hands, a healthy heart. I have Husband who loves me as I am. My family is healthy and loved. So what - I'm 31. Life is pretty darn nice.


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