Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Seeing Double

I know I've been super MIA lately and have left everyone hanging (all one of you?) - so for that I apologize. I just wanted to be super, super sure before I announced to the blog-o-sphere.

We. Are. Pregnant.

And it's amazing and scary and wonderful and crazy and surreal ... because we are having twins. Yes, you read that right the first time. Ta-win-s. And every time I rub my (already large - at least to me!) belly, I just laugh in delight. I have two babies in there! Two! We totally got a Payless BOGO (buy one, get one)! We knew there would be a risk of multiples when we dived in with four eggs at the beginning of May - but I (naively?) believed we wouldn't have twins.

Color me surprised!

I was feeling pretty sick at six weeks in addition to having the mother of all sinus infections; which is never pleasant when you can't take the proper meds. Husband and I headed into the ultrasound with lots of prayers and since I was feeling nauseous, we took that as a hopeful sign. We get in the room and I'm saying a last prayer for God to prepare me for what we may find (remember it didn't go so well last time) when before I could look at the screen, the technician exclaims: "Oh! There's two sacs!"

Husband's hand immediately went limp in mine.

I, on the other hand, proceed to laugh. And laugh. And laugh. Then cry (joyfully). And there, on the screen, were our babies with their heartbeats flashing fast and strong. I was just so overcome with such joy and thankfulness.

Husband was a bit stunned. My darling, kind husband is not one for spontenaity. I joke that if you put us next to a pool, I would cannon ball in while he would stand on the steps and take them one at a time. That's why we balance each other so well, I like to think. I'm impulsive; Husband is thoughtful and takes time to weigh his options. Our twins didn't give him much of a chance to ease into the pool - he had to cannon ball in with me!

When we got to the car, I called my parents where I laughed and cried with them over a healthy pregnancy and twins. (TWINS!) I called my brothers where they also laughed. Husband I decided to wait to tell his parents as my MIL would worry big time - so we thought to save her the two weeks of misery and tell them after the 8 week ultrasound to just make sure everything was continuing in the right direction.
It was (is). So when we told my in-laws, my adorable mother-in-law jumped up and down screaming and then screamed louder when she realized it was twins. It's just been the happiest time and the HARDEST thing to keep my trap shut. I want to tell everyone and their mother's brother's uncle that I'm pregnant and with twins!
I've become a researching fool. Our idea of getting a mid-sized SUV has now turned to minivan search (it's just more practical). I've been researching twin strollers, how to register for twins, what to expect when you are expecting twins ... you name it. Me and the Internet are super buds.

I am considered high risk, tho. This is technically my fourth pregnancy since I've miscarried three previous times. I'll be with my OB - but I'm also meeting with the perinatal group to stay on top of my high riskness.

We are over-the-moon happy. And, yes, scared. I'm not so scared about carrying twins or what could happen while I'm pregnant ... I'm more worried about the after. Suddenly I will have two children. Two children who I will need to breast feed. Two sets of diapers to change. Two sets of clothes to wash. Two sets of spit up ... Well, it's definitely going to be an adventure and I'm so so so so so so thankful that God has blessed us. That He was with me all this time. I truly believe He wanted to prepare us. He (obviously) knew he was going to give us twins - and He made sure we would be ready.

Oh, we'll be ready. Er ... as ready as we can be! I mean, it's not like we've done this whole pregnancy, baby thing before!

But Husband and I are a solid team. And I know we'll be just fine. And we have two wonderful soon-to-be grandmas who live less than 20 minutes away. That always helps too. A lot. A whole, whole, whole lot.

We had our 12 weeks check up yesterday (even tho I'm officially 12 weeks, 5 days) and got the blessing to tell the world. It's been SO MUCH FUN! I still have my times that I'll wake up at 3 a.m. and think: Holy Crap. Twins. but I'm so thankful and joyful that the babies are healthy.

Here's our announcement made by my amazing cousin, Heather, of Honeyscope Design:



  1. Hi Mara,

    I'm pregnant(with one though) and due in January 2013. I had some fertility problems as well, and we were trying for two years before we made it in May using IUI. It's nice to find someone as excited as I am. I do not have a blog but I love reading blogs, so I will be following your story.


    1. Congrats, Larissa! That is wonderful! Thank you for reading the blog and I hope you enjoy the posts!
