Tuesday, September 18, 2012

We're having ...


We snuck in at 16 weeks for the big reveal. Batman made it pretty clear that he is all boy. While poor Robin was smooshed to the side and did not want to uncross his legs - so the technician did her best and told us boys. We decided to wait for the 20 week check up for the final verdict and there were our two beautiful boys. Love it. They have long arms (like their daddy) and are measuring right on target. Thankfully, I'm feeling really good! Sleeping is still a challenge but you do what you gotta do. I've only gained 10 pounds so far - I'm anticipating my third trimester to add a lot of poundage! :) It's my goal to make it to 37 weeks (the first week of January). I'm hoping if I keep walking and eating right (I've had a few sugary setbacks ... okay well, quite a few sugar setbacks ...) that I can avoid the major hiccups I might encounter during Week 28 thru 32; which is when complications can arise for pregnant woman with twins. But my doctor is optimisitic. So I will be too!

In other news - we had a WONDERFUL time in Colorado. The weather was chilly; which after the suffering we've been doing in STL; was a wonderful change. We sat on our balconey a lot, looked at the mountain and breathed the fresh air. We did go up the mountain one day - between my belly and Husband's booted foot (broken big toe) we didn't do a lot of hiking. BUT we did do quite a bit of walking around the trails at the bottom of the mountain. Husband was a big trooper and is a pro at walking with that boot! We talked about everything. Our children. Names. Our fears. The joys. We marveled at my growing belly ... All in all - a fantastic and wonderful babymoon. I'm lucky to have Husband. And my boys! Plus we got to swing by my brother's in Denver on our way home. I hadn't seen him in over 7 months - so it was wonderful to be able to sit and catch up for a couple of hours. I'm blessed with a wonderful family that looks out for one another. :)

At 21 weeks - the boys are kicking and moving around like crazy. It makes me giggle and grin like a fool. Not the best face to have on when you're in meetings - but I can't help it! It's just crazy to think that these two guys are moving and shaking in my belly. They've woken me up a few times at night - I'm convinced they are having their own MMA fight or something in there! I still rub my belly an awful lot; which in turn encourages others to also rub my belly. Take note ladies! If you rub your belly in public others will think it's fair game for them! Kinda awkward. Not gonna lie.

20 weeks self shot - in the morning and with no make-up on. Lovely.

This past weekend we registered - and it was stressful and fun all at the same time! Stay tuned!


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