Tuesday, October 2, 2012

My "won't do's"

I recently read a blog where the mother wrote how her list of "won't do's" went out the window the minute she brought her son home. Husband and I have our own list of won't do's ... some I think are pipe dreams (i.e. Husband's rule of no eating in the car ...) and some might be possible.

So until Batman and Robin arrive, here is my list of what I will TRY (key word here, people: TRY) to do and not do:

1. No co-sleeping.
     I might be able to actually follow this one since I have two on the way! Makes it a bit more complicated with two, yes? Now, I'm all for napping in bed. If the kids wake up at an ungodly hour and I might be able to squeeze a few more minutes of sleep - then I'll pile them in bed with me. But none of this sleep with Mummy and Daddy thing until they are six. That's just ... weird, IMO. Plus, I truly want our bedroom to be just about Husband and me. That's our safe place. And knowing myself - I probably wouldn't sleep if both kids were in the bed because I'd be worrying too much (I'm quite the worrier ...)

2. Breast Feed for as long as I can (at least eight months!)
     I'm trying to be realistic with this one. I'd like to breast feed for as long as I can but I know things can come up and change this wish. My milk could dry up or I'm not making enough (twin boys after all...). I'm not too sure how things will go once I return to work ... I'm trying to keep an open mind and take it as it comes.

3. Have a set schedule.
     Everything I've read about raising twins is schedule, schedule, schedule (and routine!). If we keep a regular schedule/routine - then life with twins would be (could be?) easier. Husband and I are pretty simple people but we are used to doing our own thing. I think this might be harder for us to adjust to with kids ... shedding that self-centered nature.

4. Make my own baby food.
     This just might happen as I have Husband totally on board. He thinks its a great idea and I would truly like to be able to do this. My luck the kids will only like sweet potatoes and fried chicken. Husband and I were quite the picky eaters growing up so I'm preparing to face that same battle.

5. Work Out
     I'm not a die hard gym rat but Husband is quite disciplined in heading to our basement to run on the treadmill or lift some weights. You would think he would be a good influence on me now - but I usually just wave at him from the couch as he heads down the stairs. We're lucky enough to have a mini-gym in the basement so in an ideal world, I'd put the kids in their pumpkin seats and walk on the treadmill or do some free weights. Of course, I might be so tired I can't even see straight let alone go walk on a treadmill. Crossing my fingers on this one.

6. Not rely on TV too much
    Since I know myself, I will not be saying "no TV" altogether because that ain't going to happen. It just won't. I've got two at once and I think the TV might just save my sanity here and there. BUT I do hope to not rely on it too much. I want to use it for those dire times when I just can't take it anymore or I need just five minutes of Mommy time.

7. Husband first.
     My father always said he's a husband first, father second, and son third. I would like to follow that, too. I don't want to put our children ahead of our marriage. I'm a wife FIRST and then a mother. I don't want to make our lives all about the kids. I still want Husband-Wife time - even if that is just holding hands as we snore in bed. I'm going to love the daylights out of Batman and Robin, but I also desire to be a good wife. In the long run - that will make me a better parent, I'd like to think.

8. Not be a sports parent
     Granted this won't happen for a bit - but I sure don't want to be a Sports Parent. You know who I'm talking about... The parents that yell like maniacs at soccer games or push their kids to do something they don't want to do. Husband and I are very athletic and if our kids want to play sports ROCK ON. But if they want to play in the band or join the chess team or the bowling team - then I'm all for that too! I just want to be able to keep my mouth shut either way. I had to stop going to watch Husband play soccer because I started to turn into Brenda Warner - yelling at the team and being a bit over zealous in my cheering. Just embarrassing for the both of us! (I've gotten MUCH MUCH better! Plus Husband changed teams to one that actually plays well - so that helped).

9. Will not post ten thousand pictures and status updates all about the kids.
     How annoying are those people?! Soooo annoying. Do I want to read on Facebook that your kid had a blowout? Of course not! Do I need to see every facial expression little Timmy makes? No. But please post those pictures that are just too dang cute to pass up or do a once a month. Basically, limit yourself! I've done pretty well this pregnancy on my FB posting. I only throw something up there if I think it will make people laugh or I got a request for a belly shot. I'm not a weekly poster by all means. I know that when Batman and Robin officially come into our lives - I will think they are the cutest things ever and will assume everyone else thinks so too. However, I will not post to blue heaven about how cute they are. I don't want to be that parent. Don't get me wrong - I'm going to take lots of pictures! (You should see how many I have of the dog on my phone ...) I'm just not going to overshare... That's the goal, at least.

10. Will not give our dog away.
    You hear this so much and I totally understand why a family would do this. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. It is my hope since Holly-Dog is our first baby and is a mature 8 years old - she will adjust okay to life with two infants. She's chill. But she loves Husband to the ends of the earth and back so I'm holding my breath that his lack of attention to her for those first few months after the guys arrive, she won't regress to destructive puppy. I mean  ... look at this face. How can you possibly not love on her?!?!

Funny story: she was laying near my stomach and one of the babies gave a swift kick right to her head! She popped up and looked at me like "What the hell?!" and then decided to sit away from me. I laughed all day.

So there's my list. I'm going to think I'll be a rockstar. I'm pretty sure I might throw my hands up in frustration or just give up all together on some. BUT I will try, try, try.


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