Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Reading Rainbow

I love to read. Love, love, love to read. I come from a family of readers... It is no strange thing to find my nose in a book at 2 a.m. (Thanks for that trait, Dad). When I finally jumped on the bandwagon and read Twilight - I pulled four all nighters in a row just to finish the series. I'm that addicted. (to reading - not necessarily Twilight).

I read to escape. Some watch T.V., some go work out. Me? I read. I love romance stories. It just makes me feel so happy in the end. Guy gets girl and the whole happily-ever-after. Not to mention that the men in most romance novels are intuitively sensitive to women's feelings and give said woman 10,000 orgasams (I'm talking to you, Nora Roberts!). But I'm not complaining. I enjoy the drama and the love scenes and the whole feeling of being swept away. I get caught up with the characters and even re-read some of my favorites.

Now, don't get me wrong. I ready other genres, too. I'll read drama, mysteries, self-help, thrillers, suspense, how-to's. But if I'm looking for my escape (and my relaxation) - I steer towards the romance.

This past holiday weekend, I wasn't feeling too great. So I snuggled in with my girlfriend, Kindle. (Best invention ever!). And started reading. I've been going through an 1800's/Regency faze about London Society lately and was starting to tire of it. So I had Kindle give me some suggestions based on my past purchases. (Kindle is really a great invention, people).

One of my top five favorite books is Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I stumbled across this book quite awhile ago and it is just amazing. It has everything wrapped up in one: romance, suspense, mystery, thrills, and history. (I'm a sucker for historical stuff. I spent almost three hours in the Winston Churchill Museum in London before Husband had to drag me out). I've tried giving people the synopsis of this book and they stare at me like I have four heads. So I won't attempt it here. It is a looonnnnggg book - but oh-so worth it.

Which leads me to one of the books I read this weekend: The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley. The sample I read from Kindle intrigued me so I purchased. And, man, am I glad I did! It was fabulous!!! At one point, Husband came in and I'm sitting on the couch crying. (He's not a reader - so he doesn't get it). It was so wonderful - rich in history and I immediately became attached to the characters. It was one of those books that when I was done I thought to myself: I'm so glad I read that! So I had to share. I've found a new author to love!

Lamar would be so proud.


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