Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dear ---

One of my most enjoyable blogs (she makes me laugh out loud) that I read randomly does "Dear [insert name here]" posts. I love it and I'm stealing the idea. It's a great way to vent!

So here goes ...

Dear Doctor,

Why did you become a doctor if you are going to be a huge piss-ant? Why choose a profession where you help people if you are going to act like a huge jerk face?! I just wanted to get my moles checked! I make the appointment in advance (a whole month in advance!) AND I even got to your office 15 minutes early! I smiled and was friendly to your grump-a-lump of a nurse/receptionist. I said "please" and "thank you" and "I understand" when Grumpy-A-Lump nurse took 40 minutes to give me a simple prescription.

Were you able to show me the same politeness? Apparently not. Instead, you didn't give me eye contact nor did you care to explain the whys or hows of what you were doing or examining. It was like pulling teeth just to get you to share your doctor knowledge with me. It's my health here, lady. I'd like to have a clue!

And you're a freakin' dermatologist! What reason do you have to be cranky-pants?! I could give some leeway to a heart or brain surgeon - I mean, talk about stress. But you're just doing a routine check! Could I have just a smile?! A smirk? A nod?!

Survey says no.

Thank goodness I only have to see you once a year. That gives me enough time to find a new doctor.

Ever yours,

P.S. The only friendly doctors I have ever experienced: Dr. Jorge Pineda (my fertility doc) and his nurses are amazing. And Dr. Dale Stegman (thank goodness my whole family loves Mizzou. That was my "in"). All Endocronologists act like they work in the morgue. Talk about debbie downers!

P.P.S. I'm skin cancer free and have only one mole that I need to keep an eye on - on the top of my ear. Weird.

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